Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 53: New Orleans, We'll be Back Soon

We paddled through New Orleans early today.  It was exciting to get a glimpse of the city that will host our victory party..

It was another tough day of paddling.  About 75 miles.  Luckily, the last 20 or 30 were much less infected by industry.  The river was actually peaceful again. 

The sunset was absolutely beautiful tonight.  Anders had to point it out to me as I was much too tired at first to appreciate it.  It was the purest shade of orange I had ever seen the sun and it lit up the entire sky.  We were lucky for this as we were still paddling and the pure orange light was allowing us to scout campsites. 

We found a small landing and made camp on a small flat spot made up of dirt and pea rocks.  It'll do just fine for our last night on the river.  Tomorrow we'll witness the sunset in a car on our way up to New Orleans.  It's a crazy feeling. 

One last obstacle: finding a ride back up from the Gulf to Venice.  We made a bunch of phone calls today to try and arrange it beforehand, but we either got outlandish quotes ($500) or were told to ask random people at the marina.  We were also told that we could probably wave somebody down for a ride once we hit the Gulf, but we don't really want to rely on chance.  We'll paddle into Venice tomorrow and ask around.

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